Inference over a 2D physics model

One advantage of probabilistic programming in a general purpose language is that we can import existing libraries as part of our models. Here we follow an example from the Anglican team with a simple 2d physics problem based on the Chipmunk library. For the Anglican example see the Machine Learning Summer School or the KAIST lecture course. For more advanced physics simulations in probabilistic programming, see PPX.

Thanks also to Alexander Bai for initially adapting the Haskell implementation in Sam’s OPLSS course to LazyPPL.

The source for this Literate Haskell file is currently here.

Extensions and imports for this Literate Haskell file

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}

module Physics where
import Apecs.Physics
import Apecs.Physics.Gloss 

import Graphics.Gloss.Export (exportPicturesToGif,GifLooping(LoopingForever))

import Control.Monad (replicateM, when) 

import LazyPPL
import LazyPPL.Distributions (uniformbounded, normalPdf)

import Numeric.Log(Log(Exp),ln)
import System.Random (setStdGen, mkStdGen)
import Graphics.Matplotlib hiding (density)

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.List (findIndex)
import Data.Monoid (Product(Product))

The general idea is:

Here are four possible solutions, found by LazyPPL, when there are two bumpers:

The physics model

We set up the Apecs Physics Chipmunk bindings:
makeWorld "World" [''Physics, ''Camera]
This a routine to initialize the world with a ball, a cup, and bumpers of given position and angle; we return the ball:
initialize bumpers = do
  set global ( Camera (V2 0 1) 60
             , earthGravity )

  -- The bumpers 
  mapM (\(x,y,theta) -> do
          lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Angle (theta), Position (V2 x y))
          newEntity (Shape lineBody (hLine 2), Elasticity 0.3)
       ) bumpers

  -- The cup
  lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Position (V2 4.5 (-5)))
  newEntity (Shape lineBody (hLine 1), Elasticity 0.1)  
  lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Position (V2 4 (-4.5)))
  newEntity (Shape lineBody (vLine 1), Elasticity 0.1)  
  lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Position (V2 5 (-4.5)))
  newEntity (Shape lineBody (vLine 1), Elasticity 0.1)  

  -- Border
  lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Position (V2 0 6))
  newEntity (Shape lineBody (hLine 12), Elasticity 0)  
  lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Position (V2 0 (-6)))
  newEntity (Shape lineBody (hLine 12), Elasticity 0)  
  lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Position (V2 6 0))
  newEntity (Shape lineBody (vLine 12), Elasticity 0)  
  lineBody <- newEntity (StaticBody, Position (V2 (-6) 0))
  newEntity (Shape lineBody (vLine 12), Elasticity 0)  

  -- The ball
  ball <- newEntity (DynamicBody, Position (V2 (-4.5) 5))
  newEntity (Shape ball (cCircle 0.2), Density 1, Elasticity 0.9)
  return ball
Our criterion for ending the simulation: the ball coordinates falls below the bottom of the window or into the cup.
endCriterion :: (Double,Double) -> Bool
endCriterion (x,y) = y< -5 || (y < -4.5 && x > 4 && x < 5)
Routines for producing illustrations

Make an animated gif from a sequence of pictures using Gloss.

exportGif filename pics = do
   putStrLn $ "Plotting GIF to " ++ (show filename) ++ "..."
   exportPicturesToGif 2 LoopingForever (288,288) (makeColor 1 1 1 0) filename (\t -> pics !! (floor t)) [0..(fromIntegral $ length pics - 1)]
   putStrLn $ "Done."
Plot the given trajectories to an SVG file
plotCoords :: String -> [[(Double,Double)]] -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
plotCoords filename  xyss ymin ymax alpha = 
    do  putStrLn $ "Plotting " ++ filename ++ "..."
        file filename $ mp # "plot.axis('off')" % mp # "colors =,1," # (floor ((fromIntegral $ length xyss) * 1.5) :: Integer) # ")) " % foldl (\a i -> a % plot (map fst (xyss !! i)) (map snd (xyss !! i)) @@ [o1 "o-", o2 "color" (lit ("colors[" ++ (show (length xyss - i)) ++ "]")), o2 "linewidth" (1.0 :: Double), o2 "alpha" alpha, o2 "ms" (0 :: Int)]) mp [0..(length xyss -1)] % (plot ([4,4,5,5] :: [Double]) ([-4,-5,-5,-4] :: [Double]) @@ [o1 "o-", o2 "c" "black", o2 "ms" (0 :: Int)] % xlim (-5 :: Int) (5.1 :: Double) % ylim ymin ymax) 
        putStrLn "Done."
        return ()
Given the bumper positions, return the trajectory of the ball (a list of (x,y) coordinates).
getTrajectory :: [(Double,Double,Double)] -> IO [(Double,Double)]
getTrajectory bumpers =
  do w <- initWorld
     runWith w $ do
       b <- initialize bumpers
       xys <- run b 500 
       return xys
    -- run produces the trajectory until the endCriterion
    -- or until the fuel runs out
    -- (in case the ball somehow gets stuck)
    run b fuel = do
      stepPhysics (1/60)
      (Position (V2 x y)) <- get b
      if fuel < 0 then return [(x,y)] else
        if endCriterion (x,y) then return [(x,y)] else
           rest <- run b (fuel - 1)
           return $ (x,y) : rest
Given the bumper positions, return pictures showing the scenario over time.
getPics :: [(Double,Double,Double)] -> IO [Picture]
getPics bumpers =
  do w <- initWorld
     runWith w $ do
       b <- initialize bumpers
       xypics <- mapM (\_ -> do
                       stepPhysics (1/60)
                       (Position (V2 x y)) <- get b
                       pic <- draw 
                       return (x,y,pic)
                   ) [1..1000]
       let (Just n) = findIndex (\(x,y,_) -> endCriterion (x,y)) xypics
       return $ map (\(_,_,pic) -> pic) $ take (n + 50) xypics
    draw = do
      -- draw the current scene
      pic <- foldDrawM drawBody
      let cam = Camera (V2 (8) (-8)) 9
      return $ cameraTransform cam pic 

The LazyPPL model

The model:

model :: Meas [(Double,Double,Double)]
model = do
  -- Pick the positions and angles of two bumpers
  -- Prior is uninformative, uniformly distributed
  bumpers <- sample $ replicateM 2 $ do
                      x <- uniformbounded (-5) 5
                      y <- uniformbounded (-5) 5
                      theta <- uniformbounded 0 pi
                      return (x,y,theta)
  -- Run the physics simulation.
  -- The last point is where the ball either leaves the scene
  -- or lands in the cup. 
  let (x,y) = unsafePerformIO $
              do { pos <- getTrajectory bumpers ; return $ last pos }
  -- Observe the ball is roughly in the cup at the end of the trajectory
  score $ normalPdf 4.5 0.2 x 
  -- Return the bumper positions
  return bumpers

Note that we do not say that the ball lands exactly in the cup. We could consider an alternative model by replacing the score with score $ fromEnum (x > 4 && x < 5). This would lead to Metropolis-Hastings rejecting the first samples, finding the first success by brute force, which takes a lot longer.

Results of running Metropolis-Hastings inference

Code to run a Metropolis-Hastings simulation
runModelMH n trajfile anifile = do
  -- Use MH with p=0.15 (0.15 ~= 1/6, and approx six samples needed)
  samples <- mh 0.15 model
  -- The ball enters the cup when the likelihood is > 0.0876
  let p = Product $ Exp $ ln $ 0.0876415
  let (Just i) = findIndex (\(_,w) -> w > p) samples
  putStrLn $ "[MH] Ball entered the cup after " ++ show i ++ " samples."
  -- Output illustrations to files:
  when (trajfile /= "") $ do
     -- Extract the trajectories of the first n samples
     xyss <- mapM getTrajectory (map fst $ take n samples)
     -- Plot the trajectories together
     plotCoords trajfile xyss (-5) 5 0.01
  when (anifile /= "") $ do
    -- Plot the last trajectory
    pics <- getPics $ fst $ samples !! n
    exportGif anifile pics

The four simulations at the top of the page were found by Metropolis-Hastings simulation.

Running the model with the LazyPPL Metropolis-Hastings gives trajectories like this (this is 1000 samples; the very last sample is the bottom-right animation at the top of the page):

The lighter colors (pink) are earlier samples from the Markov chain. We can see the “burn-in” process as the initial samples have low likelihood: they do not land in the cup. The ball begins landing in the pot after around 100 samples (68, 109, 118, 163 in the above animations).

The entire distribution will eventually be explored but only asymptotically. For simplicity we just restarted the simulation to get the four different animations at the top of the page, rather than waiting for one M-H chain to randomly enter many different modes.

Results of brute force search

Code to run a brute force search
runModelBruteForce n trajfile = do
  samples <- weightedsamples model
  -- The ball enters the cup when the likelihood is > 0.0876
  let p = Exp $ ln $ 0.0876415
  let (Just i) = findIndex (\(_,w) -> w > p) samples
  putStrLn $ "[BF] Ball entered the cup after " ++ show i ++ " samples."
  -- Extract the trajectories of the first n samples
  xyss <- mapM getTrajectory (map fst $ take n samples)
  -- Plot the trajectories together
  plotCoords trajfile xyss (-5) 5 0.1

Running the model with a brute-force search takes many more samples than Metropolis-Hastings. In the following illustration there were 3343 samples before the ball landed in the cup. Here are 4000 samples:

Main function
main :: IO ()
main = do
     -- The distribution is multimodal,
     -- so let's restart four times for four examples.
     -- (Statistically better to use mhirreducible.)
     -- We plot the trajectories of the last run.
     setStdGen (mkStdGen 1)
     runModelMH 1000 "" "images/physics1.gif"
     setStdGen (mkStdGen 42)
     runModelMH 1000 "" "images/physics2.gif"
     setStdGen (mkStdGen 47)
     runModelMH 1000 "" "images/physics3.gif"
     setStdGen (mkStdGen 57)
     runModelMH 1000 "images/physics4.svg" "images/physics4.gif"
     -- We also plot what brute force looks like with 4000 trials
     runModelBruteForce 4000 "images/physics5.svg"

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