Relational inference with a CRP-based infinite relational model

This example, which follows an example from Church, demonstrates how the abstract types of the Chinese Restaurant Process can be used to program an infinite relational model.

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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}

module IrmDemo where

import Distr
import Distr.DirichletP
import Distr.Memoization
import Data.List
import LazyPPL
import Graphics.Matplotlib

We have six people, and we know that some of them talk to each other, and some of them don’t talk to each other. We want to infer the social groups. This is non-parametric in that we don’t assume a fixed number of social groups.

We set up a data type inhabited by the people of interest.

data Person = Tom | Fred | Jim | Mary | Sue | Ann deriving (Show , Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
instance MonadMemo Prob Person

The model

The model is set up by building a Chinese Restaurant and placing the people at tables in it. Here we are using our Chinese Restaurant process interface (Distr.DirichletP). It involves abstract types Restaurant and Table, and provides two functions:

The model describes an unnormalized probability measure on functions assigning tables to people.

model :: Meas (Person -> Table)
model = do

We first set up a new restaurant. Behind the scenes, this initiates lazy stick-breaking.

  r :: Restaurant <- sample $ newRestaurant 1.0

We define two memoized functions: the first, table, assigns a table to each person. Memoization is defined using laziness.

  table :: (Person -> Table) <- sample $ memoize $ \person -> newCustomer r

The second memoized function, near, assigns to each pair of tables the chance that people on those tables will talk to each other.

  near :: ((Table, Table) -> Double) <- sample $ memoize $ \(tableA, tableB) -> beta 0.5 0.5

We define two helper functions, talks and nottalks, which we then map over the observations about various people talking or not talking to each other.

  let talks :: (Person, Person) -> Meas () = \(personA, personB) ->
                                            score $ near (table personA, table personB)
  let nottalks :: (Person, Person) -> Meas () = \(personA, personB) ->
                                              score $ 1 - near (table personA, table personB)

The data set:

  mapM_ talks [(Tom, Fred), (Tom, Jim), (Jim, Fred), (Mary, Sue), (Mary, Ann), (Ann, Sue)]
  mapM_ nottalks [(Mary, Fred), (Mary, Jim), (Sue, Fred), (Sue, Tom), (Ann, Jim), (Ann, Tom)]

Finally we return the assignment of tables to people.

  return table

Running the model

We sample from this unnormalized measure using a Metropolis-Hastings simulation. We calculate the probability of Tom/Fred and Tom/Mary sitting together, and also plot a graph of the MAP sample.

main = do
  tws <- take 10000 <$> mh 0.2 model
  plotHistogram "images/irm-tom-fred.svg" $ map (\(t,_) -> t Tom == t Fred) $ tws
  plotHistogram "images/irm-tom-mary.svg" $ map (\(t,_) -> t Tom == t Mary) $ tws
  writeFile "images/" $ show $ maxap tws
The posterior probability of Tom and Fred sitting together.
The posterior probability of Tom and Mary sitting together.
The graph of the MAP relation.


The example at Probmods actually gives different histograms to the ones here, but we suspect that this is an issue with the mh-query parameters in that example, because webchurch’s rejection sampling agrees with our histograms.

Plotting code
-- Maximum a priori from a list of weighted samples
maxap xws =
    let maxw = (maximum $ map snd xws) in
    let (Just x) = Data.List.lookup maxw $
                                    map (\(z, w) -> (w, z)) xws in
tableToDot :: (Person -> Table) -> String
tableToDot f = "graph tables {" ++ concat [ show a ++ " -- " ++ show b ++ "; " | a <- people , b <- people , a < b, f a == f b] ++ "}"
 where dotLine a b True = show a ++ " -- " ++ show b ++ "\n"
       people = [minBound..maxBound]
instance Show (Person -> Table) where show f = tableToDot f
plotHistogram :: (Show a , Eq a) => String -> [a] -> IO ()
plotHistogram filename xs = do
 putStrLn $ "Generating " ++ filename ++ "..."
 let categories = nub xs
 let counts = map (\c -> length $ filter (==c) xs) categories
 file filename $ bar (map show categories) $ map (\n -> (fromIntegral n)/(fromIntegral $ length xs)) counts
 putStrLn $ "Done."

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