Here are two minimal demonstrations of how to use LazyPPL, with no other libraries, to help with getting started.
module MinimalDemo where
import LazyPPL
import LazyPPL.Distributions
import Data.List
Suppose I am standing for election in a large population, and that there are two candidates. I run a poll over 100 people, and 51 say they will vote for me and 49 say they won’t. What is the chance that I will win the election?
Here are the poll results:poll :: [Bool]
= replicate 51 True ++ replicate 49 False poll
-- Likelihood function of Bernoulli distribution.
= if x then r else (1-r)
bernoulliPdf r x
voteModel :: Meas (Bool)
= do
voteModel -- prior belief: vote share is unknown, so uniform
<- sample uniform
voteShare -- incorporate each poll result as an observation, using bernoulli likelihood
mapM_ (\actualVote-> score (bernoulliPdf voteShare actualVote)) poll
-- I win if my vote share is more than 50%.
return $ voteShare > 0.5
runVoteModel do
<- mh 1 voteModel
xws let n=10000
let m = length $ filter id $ map fst $ take n $ xws
putStrLn $ "Chance of winning = " ++ (show (100 * (fromIntegral m) / (fromIntegral n) )) ++ "%"
When run, this should print the following (roughly).
Chance of winning = 57.9%
(It may be tempting to think that the chance of winning should be 51%, but that is the expected vote share, not the chance that the vote share is greater than 50%!)
This model can be solved analytically, as \(\frac {\int_{0.5}^1 v^{51}(1-v)^{49}\,\mathrm{d}v}{\int_{0}^1 v^{51}(1-v)^{49}\,\mathrm{d}v}\).
A clever program analysis could derive this automatically using the
Beta/Bernoulli conjugacy, but that is not implemented in LazyPPL.
Here is a simple example using laziness, but not using inference.
A one-dimensional Poisson point process has steps that are exponentially distributed. The following function produces this infinite stream, lazily.poissonPP :: Double -> Double -> Prob [Double]
= do
poissonPP start rate <- exponential rate
step let next = start + step
<- poissonPP next rate
rest return $ next : rest
poissonSim :: Double -> Prob Int
= do
poissonSim rate <- poissonPP 0 rate
xs return $ length $ takeWhile (<1) xs
runPoissonSim do
<- mh 1 $ sample $ poissonSim 1
xws let n=10000
let xs = sort $ map fst $ take n $ xws
-- histogram generator
let categories = nub xs
let counts = map (\c -> length $ filter (==c) xs) categories
putStrLn $ "k\tpoisson(k)"
putStrLn $ "--\t----------"
mapM_ (\(c,k) -> putStrLn $ (show c) ++ "\t" ++ (show $ (fromIntegral k)/(fromIntegral n))) (zip categories counts)
When run, this should print a Poisson distribution table (approximately).
k poisson(k)
-- ----------
0 0.3679
1 0.3679
2 0.1839
3 6.13e-2
4 1.53e-2
5 3.1e-3
6 0.5e-3
7 1.0e-4
Note that it might often be better to use the LazyPPL
distribution than to use this simulation method.
This simple example is just for illustration.
bernoulliPi4 :: Prob Bool
= do
bernoulliPi4 <- uniform
x <- uniform
y return $ x * x + y * y < 1
runPi do
<- mh 1 $ sample $ bernoulliPi4
bws let n=1000000
let bs = map fst $ take n $ bws
-- histogram generator
putStrLn $ "pi = " ++ (show $ 4 * (fromIntegral $ length $ filter id bs) / (fromIntegral n))
When run, this should print a Poisson distribution table (approximately).
k poisson(k)
-- ----------
0 0.3679
1 0.3679
2 0.1839
3 6.13e-2
4 1.53e-2
5 3.1e-3
6 0.5e-3
7 1.0e-4
Note that it might often be better to use the LazyPPL
distribution than to use this simulation method.
This simple example is just for illustration.
main :: IO ()
= do {runVoteModel ; putStrLn "" ; runPoissonSim } main