Linear and piecewise linear regression with LazyPPL
module RegressionDemo where
import LazyPPL
import Distr
import Data.Colour
import Data.Colour.Names
import Graphics.Matplotlib hiding (density)
Regression is about finding fitting a function to some data. Bayesian regression is about finding a posterior distribution on functions, given the data.
We start with a random linear function:
linear :: Prob (Double -> Double)
linear do
<- normal 0 3
a <- normal 0 3
b let f = \x -> a * x + b
return f
plotLinearPrior do
<- mh 1 (sample linear)
fs' let fs = map fst $ take 1000 $ fs'
"images/regression-linear-prior.svg" [] fs plotFuns
dataset :: [(Double, Double)]
= [(0,0.6), (1, 0.7), (2,1.2), (3,3.2), (4,6.8), (5, 8.2), (6,8.4)] dataset
plotDataset do
"images/regression-dataset.svg" dataset [] plotFuns
Our regression here is noisy: the function has not generated this data set, because the points are not colinear.
Our generic regression function takes a random function “prior”, and some input/output observations “dataset”, which are assumed to be noisy according to “sigma”, returns a conditioned random linear function (unnormalized).regress :: Double -> Prob (a -> Double) -> [(a, Double)] -> Meas (a -> Double)
regress sigma prior dataset do
<- sample prior
f -> score $ normalPdf (f x) sigma y)
forM_ dataset (\(x, y) return f
plotLinReg do fs' <- mh 0.5 (regress 0.1 linear dataset)
let fs = map fst $ take 1000 $ every 10 $ drop 100 fs'
"images/regression-linear-reg.svg" dataset fs plotFuns
-- Plot the points drawn from weighted samples
-- epsilon: smallest y axis difference to worry about
-- delta: smallest x axis difference to worry about
interestingPoints :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [Double] -> [Double]
interestingPoints f lower upper epsilon delta acc if abs(upper - lower) < delta then acc
let mid = (upper - lower) / 2 + lower in
if abs((f(upper) - f(lower)) / 2 + f(lower) - f(mid)) < epsilon
then acc
else interestingPoints f lower mid epsilon delta (mid : (interestingPoints f mid upper epsilon delta acc))
sampleFun f -- [ (x, f x) | x <- [(-0.25),(-0.25+0.1)..6.2]]
let xs = ((-0.25) : (interestingPoints f (-0.25) 6.2 0.3 0.001 [6.2])) in
map (\x -> (x,f x)) xs
plotFuns :: String -> [(Double,Double)] -> [Double -> Double] -> IO ()
plotFuns filename dataset funs do putStrLn $ "Plotting " ++ filename ++ "..."
$ foldl (\a f -> let xfs = sampleFun f in a % plot (map fst xfs) (map snd xfs) @@ [o1 "go-", o2 "linewidth" (0.5 :: Double), o2 "alpha" (0.01 :: Double), o2 "ms" (0 :: Int)]) (scatter (map fst dataset) (map snd dataset) @@ [o2 "c" "black"] % xlim (0 :: Int) (6 :: Int) % ylim (-2 :: Int) (10 :: Int)) funs
file filename putStrLn "Done."
return ()
main :: IO ()
= do {plotLinearPrior ; plotDataset ; plotLinReg} main